Timber Ridge - Streambank Stabilization
In 2011, an approximately 1-mile segment of the West Branch DuPage River Trail was constructed in Timber Ridge Forest Preserve in West Chicago. This trail segment was in a narrow corridor of the West Branch DuPage River floodway. Recent flooding has increased erosion and caused some riverbank instability in several areas close to the trail.
To protect the trail and adjacent slopes, the District contracted an engineering consultant to produce construction plans for streambank stabilization in three key areas along the river and trail. The work consists of excavating eroded streambank, and installing rock bank protection, granite cobble and stone placement, and wetland plugs, as well as all necessary site restoration.
This project is complete. It was awarded in fall 2020, and construction started shortly afterward. Final planting was completed in the summer of 2021.
The project will be funded through the Forest Preserve District’s yearly appropriated construction and development funds.