Springbrook Prairie — Prairie & Grassland Restoration
This project area includes a number of communities including mesic and wet prairies, grasslands, wetlands, fens, and re-created prairie. The three- to five-year project will remove invasive and exotic woody plants, herbicide invasive woody and herbaceous plants, and overseed native plant species in previous agricultural areas that have gone fallow.
Project Need
TThis is the largest intact block of natural prairie in DuPage County. As an Illinois nature preserve, Springbrook Prairie is dominated by Class IV, III and II ecosystems. Work on the 1,800-acre site will reconnect fragmented natural areas to create a showpiece of natural habitat. Efforts will include removing nonnative tree lines throughout the preserve to maintain an open landscape; removing weedy invasive plants and shrubs; and seeding with native grasses and flowers. It will help ensure the perseverance of no less than seven endangered and threatened species.