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Oak Cottage Cultural Resource Evaluation

Constructed in 1850 by William B. Greene, Oak Cottage became part of the Forest Preserve District in 1970 when the surrounding land was acquired, with an agreement that allowed a family member to live there until their passing. The District took full possession in 1983 and has since maintained the cottage as a historic feature within the larger Greene Valley Forest Preserve.

The Greene Valley Master Plan, approved in 2023, calls for a study to document the house’s history and condition. It also outlines a timeline for a third-party partner to propose a purpose and plan for its use and long-term maintenance.




The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County hired a consultant to conduct a Cultural Resource Evaluation of Oak Cottage to assess its historical significance, structural condition, and potential treatment approaches in accordance with preservation guidelines. The report has been completed, and after reviewing it in spring 2025, the Forest Preserve District board will explore the next steps outlined in the forest preserve master plan.