Fischer Woods - Habitat Improvement
The 112-acre Dunklees Grove at Fischer Woods Forest Preserve is a high-quality natural area that contains 669 native plant species and 156 wildlife species, some state-endangered, threatened, or rare. This project involves crews removing aggressive plants that keep sun and water from reaching the grasses, wildflowers, and oak and hickory seedlings that grow here.
Crews will cut and remove invasive trees and shrubs and will carefully apply herbicides to the cut stumps so these aggressive plants can’t grow back. They may also create and burn brush piles on site. Both the mature hickories and majestic oaks that grow among them will remain untouched, while promoting more germination of seedlings and wildflowers. This work supports goals within the board-certified master plan and furthers the Forest Preserve District’s mission to preserve the flora, fauna and scenic beauty of DuPage natural areas.
Work will begin in December 2022 and take place primarily in December, January and February. It will take a few winters to complete. This conservative approach also allows our staff to minimize the amount of follow-up work required to make restoration an enduring success. This also helps minimize impact to wildlife because the work is being done when many species have either migrated from the area or are overwintering. Crews may also do follow-up hand and mechanical work in the spring and summer from time to time.
The majority of funds for this $450,000 project were generated from bonds issued by the District. As such, this project is not funded by increasing tax levies. Additional funds from the Forest Preserve District’s yearly appropriated construction and development funds will be utilized.