Districtwide - Clean Energy, Resiliency & Sustainability Plan
In 2023, the District engaged consultants to take a comprehensive look at opportunities related to energy, environmental resilience and operational sustainability in support of the Green Energy Study initiative in the 2019 master plan.
To do this, the District assessed the feasibility of options for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fuel vehicles; assessed the ecosystem services the District currently provides; explored Green Infrastructure opportunities around the issues of stormwater management, water quality and nature-based designs; analyzed the District’s current waste streams; assessed current transportation-related emissions; explored options for carbon sequestration and identified opportunities for improvements related to landfill gas and sanitary waste.
Two gaps, needs and opportunities reports were completed. The first focuses on District operations, and the second focuses on the District’s landfills.
As opportunities arise, the District will pursue various strategies recommended in the reports to increase energy efficiencies, reduce its carbon footprint and increase the use of solar and other renewable or sustainable energy sources.