Native Plant Sale
Shop in person for native flowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees!
Mayslake Peabody Estate
1717 W. 31st St., Oak Brook
Friday, May 16 • 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Saturday, May 17 • 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Ticketed presale — Thursday, May 15
Check out 14 plant species never before available at our sale, plus 155 forbs/grasses and 24 trees/shrubs!
On-site plant experts will answer your questions and provide planting recommendations!

Rain or shine • No early entry
Cash, credit, and checks accepted.
Inventory depends on suppliers and is not guaranteed. Supply is not restocked daily.
Bring your own boxes or wagons for easy transport of your purchase.
Questions? Call 630-933-7248.
All proceeds will support educational programming at the Forest Preserve District.

Design Your Ideal Native Landscape — We’ll Help!
Native Landscaping: Creating Your Garden Plan
Share drawings or photos of your yard and get customized recommendations from a plant expert who will help you select native plants to match your gardening goals and growing conditions.
Online one-hour, one-on-one sessions are available on select dates in March and April for $30.
In-person 45-minute small-group sessions take place on April 3 at Fullersburg Woods for $20.
Register today for an online or in-person session! Questions? Call 630-933-7248.

Pollinator Blitz: Bringing Conservation Home
Speakers, demonstrations, vendors, and more!
Saturday, March 15
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Mayslake Peabody Estate
1717 W. 31st St., Oak Brook
View the full schedule of educational sessions and sign up here.
Questions? Call 630-933-7247.

Sponsorship Opportunities
If you're interested in sponsoring a special event with the Friends of the Forest Preserve District, contact Partnership & Philanthropy at 630-871-6400 or fundraising@dupageforest.org.