Oldfield Oaks
The main entrance is on the south side of Oldfield Road 0.25 mile east of Lemont Road.
The off-leash dog area is on the east side of Cheese Road just south of the Lemont Road and Cheese Road intersection.
The preserve is open one hour after sunrise to one hour after sunset.
General Info
Dogs are allowed at the forest preserve but must be on leashes under 10 feet long. Alcohol is prohibited. Read our complete rules and regulations.

Things To Do
Oldfield Oaks has a 0.6-mile South Loop Trail and a 1.1-mile limestone North Loop Trail, which weaves through mature oak woodlands and restored prairie and has several switchbacks that offer uphill and downhill hiking.
Bike and horseback riding are not allowed at Oldfield Oaks.
Oldfield Oak's off-leash dog area features two fenced areas, including a 6-acre area for large dogs with a 0.6-acre area for small dogs. It also features a 0.35-mile turf looped trail, 0.2-mile limestone trail, 40-car asphalt parking lot and a trail that connects to the forest preserve's existing looped trail. It is located off Lemont Road on Cheese Road.
Dog owners should carry proof of a valid Forest Preserve District permit for each dog you bring. Visit Dogs in the Preserves for rules and permit info.
Natural Features
The 109-acre Oldfield Oaks Forest Preserve in Darien features 2 miles of trails through mature oak woodland, natural wetland and restored prairie. It’s a beautiful spot to enjoy spring wildflowers such as trout lilies, jack-in-the-pulpits, spring beauties, trillium and May apples, but it also puts on a spectacular show of color in the fall.
Oldfield Oaks is an excellent example of an intact, mature oak woodland, a natural wetland, and a restored prairie. With this diverse mix of ecosystems, the preserve is home to a variety of wildlife, from foxes to great horned owls to western chorus frogs. Wildlife conservation efforts such as amphibian monitoring and bird counts take place at the preserve.

The Forest Preserve District acquired Oldfield Oaks through a series of purchases between 1998 and 2014.