Volunteer With Visitor Engagement
Our Volunteer Program
Our Forest Preserve District’s volunteer program is designed to engage volunteers who are willing to donate their time, talents, and resources to support staff and programs in carrying out the mission, purpose, and guiding principles. The volunteer program offers opportunities to assist and support staff across many diverse programs.
For more information about our volunteer programs, contact Volunteer Services at 630-933-7233 or volunteer@dupageforest.org.
Volunteer With Visitor Engagement
Visitor Engagement volunteers assist staff with educational programs throughout DuPage County. They make nature come alive with stories and hands-on experiences at forest preserves, schools, camps, programs, and events.
Volunteer Positions
Commitment: Flexible (12 hours/year)
Minimum Age: 16
Application Deadline: None
Distinguishing Features of the Position:
Assist staff in interpretation to visitors while conducting educational programming, assisting with special events or working on projects. Take a leadership role in programming and other volunteers. This may include co-interpreting groups with staff or mentoring other interpreter assistant volunteers. Interact with the public and respond to questions and requests for information.
Commitment: Flexible (12 hours/year)
Minimum Age: 16
Application Deadline: None
Distinguishing Features of the Position:
Assist staff in interpretation to visitors while conducting educational programming, assisting with special events, or working on projects. Interact with the public and respond to questions and requests for information. Direction and training is received from staff.
Commitment: Flexible (12 hours/year)
Minimum Age: 16
Application Deadline: None
Distinguishing Features of the Position:
The Forest Preserve District participates in multiple outreach events annually. Attend outreach and community events, tabling booths, networking meetings, and more to help connect the community with DuPage forest preserves for public and school-group outreach purposes. Provide and present natural resource interpretive/educational programs to the public at offsite public facilities or schools. Interact with the public and respond to questions and requests for information. Direction and training is provided by staff.
Commitment: Flexible (12 hours/year)
Minimum Age: 16
Application Deadline: None
Distinguishing Features of the Position:
The Forest Preserve District provides children’s camp programs every summer. Assist staff, providing supervision and educational activity support for a rich variety of camp programs for children entering K-8 grades. Camps typically run five days in length, Monday – Friday in the mornings. Interact with the public and respond to questions and requests for information.