Volunteer at Graue Mill and Museum at Fullersburg Woods
Our Volunteer Program
Our Forest Preserve District’s volunteer program is designed to engage volunteers who are willing to donate their time, talents, and resources to support staff and programs in carrying out the mission, purpose, and guiding principles. The volunteer program offers opportunities to assist and support staff across many diverse programs.
For more information about our volunteer programs, contact Volunteer Services at 630-933-7233 or volunteer@dupageforest.org.
Volunteer at Graue Mill and Museum
Graue Mill and Museum’s volunteers assist staff by leading tours or demonstrating spinning, weaving, and milling. They also help with special projects to support programming.
Graue Mill and Museum is located at Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve in Oak Brook.
Volunteer Positions
Commitment: Flexible (8 hrs/month April - November)
Minimum Age: 18
Application Deadline: November
Distinguishing Features of the Position:
This position involves assisting staff in interpretation to visitors while conducting educational programing, assisting with special events or working on projects. Duties may vary at the discretion of the District staff. There may be situations and tasks where the volunteer is interacting with the public and responding to questions and requests for information. Additional direction and training are received from staff.
Commitment: Flexible (6 hours/month April — November)
Minimum Age: 18
Application Deadline: November
Distinguishing Features of the Position:
This position involves assisting staff in demonstrating and interpreting artisan techniques that took place during the 19th century, especially during 1850 – 1860 when Graue Mill was a strong economic factor in the Fullersburg community. Volunteers may need to climb stairs to reach the location of the spinning wheels and the loom since there is no elevator in the building. Volunteers will also be interacting with the public and responding to questions and requests for information informally. Additional direction is given from staff.
Artisan Interpreter (PDF)
Commitment: Flexible (at least 3 projects per year)
Minimum Age: 18
Application Deadline: November
Distinguishing Features of the Position:
This volunteer position involves assisting staff with special projects behind the scenes at the Graue Mill and Museum and Fullersburg Woods Campus. This is a flexible volunteer position where volunteers are called upon on an as-needed basis usually via email and respond if available. There may be situations and tasks where the volunteer is interacting with the public and responding to questions and requests for more information. Direction and training are received from staff.
Special Projects Assistant (PDF)