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Transparency Portal

The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County is committed to open government. This portal is a centralized source for our most frequently requested information, including the board of commissioners’ actions, budgets and financial allocation, and contacts.

We will work to improve this information to ensure DuPage County’s residents remain confident about the stewardship of their tax dollars.

Annual Report

Our 2023 Year in Review is available to view and download.    

Annual Budgets and Financial Reports

Annual budgets and comprehensive financial reports are available to view and download.

See a summary of the Forest Preserve District’s major initiatives and financial activities in fiscal year 2023 in our Citizens Guide to Forest Preserve District Financial Reports Fiscal Year 2023.

Open Checkbook

 View the District's schedule of bills on a bi-weekly basis. Download the schedules to view payments made to vendors.

Bids, Proposals, and Contracts

While Forest Preserve District employees perform land and facilities’ maintenance, we often employ contractors for large-scale construction or restoration projects.

The District purchases required goods and services in conformance with Illinois state law, the DuPage County Forest Preserve Purchasing Ordinance, related resolutions of the board of commissioners, and administrative policies. The District makes requirements for purchases under $30,000 in accordance with established procedures for small-dollar purchases and informal quotations. For purchases over $30,000, it advertises formal bid announcements in local newspapers and also lists them on DemandStar.

The District’s board of commissioners reviews contracts at its planning sessions and board meetings. Contracts, with agenda items and supplemental documentation, are available at our board meetings page. 

The board of commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive technicalities. 

Employment Agreements, Compensations, and Contracts

Executive Director

Employment Agreement for Position of Executive Director

Metropolitan Alliance of Police 
Other Compensations

Public Notices

There are currently no public hearings scheduled.  Dec. 4, 2024


Like many governmental units its size, the District hires an outside lobbyist to learn, watch, and defend issues particular to its needs in Springfield.

Government Navigation Group
Attn: Paul Rosenfeld
227 W. Monroe St., Ste. 2100
Chicago, IL 60606

Government Navigation Group Contract

Transparency in Coverage Reporting

The Transparency in Coverage Final Rule requires disclosure of the negotiated rates with in-network providers and the historic allowed amounts paid to out-of-network providers for all health plans available to employers.  

You can access the Forest Preserve District’s covered plans and files at the following links.